From church members.....
I am amazed at how content felt during lockdown which started for me on the 13th March 2020.
The good weather has been a large part of why I felt so good. I spent hours in the garden reading, completing puzzle books and speaking with friends on my mobile,
Our son-in-law and granddaughter have shopped on line for us and gone into the shops only when necessary.
I celebrated my 80th birthday during lockdown. We'd planned several days of celebration which all had to be postponed or cancelled, yet I still had a very happy day with lots of cards and telephone calls during the day.
I have enjoyed the ZOOM services very much and felt part of the service, even though I'm only on the phone.
I've really enjoyed the slower pace of life and not rushing about. This has meant more time for hobbies and to relax.
I've enjoyed, until recently, hearing clear birdsong and seeing birds lingering in the garden.The air has been cleaner and clearer and less noise and pollution from traffic.
I thank the Lord that the working members of our family have stayed well, especially Tim, working at Stoke Mandeville at the height of the pandemic.
I have appreciated the love, prayers and concern from friends when my sister caught the virus and died shortly after.
Being in the ‘vulnerable’, (but not ‘clinically vulnerable’) category, I and my wife were able to exercise once a day (more often now, of course) observing Social Distancing as much as possible. Initially we strolled down to Astral Park, crossed into where the football goal posts are and then back home. We heard mention of the lake that is called ‘Astral Park Lake’ and on another day went to find it. Surrounding the lake is a track that many use for their exercise run and frequently children cycle around; but many walkers get down there because, not only can you use the pathway track, but further out you can walk around on grass ways, and most of the time be in view of the lake, but from a height. It has been a good to take the camera out and capture unfolding events.
Both during lockdown, and lately, we have continued our near daily visit to the lake and its surroundings. The scenery and the lake occupants are always changing. We frequently ask questions like “Where are the swans” (there used to be 2, then 1 then none!) and it being spring-summer time, we have seen a lot of new life. One day we spotted a Greater Crested Grebe on the lake and others marvelled at the speed house martins could travel across the surface of the lake feeding on insects.
These excursions to the lake and its surroundings have played a large part in keeping me physically and mentally fit this last 5 months. My wife has not faired quite so well. Still, we have had the time to be together as we walked, something we didn’t always make time for in the pre-lockdown times.
We have been blessed in being able to get out and about in spite of the Covid-19 situation. Nevertheless, we, like you, had to be shut off from our family and we relied on our daughter to shop for us. Hence we were sheltered from the risk of catching the disease but she ran the risk for us – we are most grateful, Mand. Some of you have not been able to get out very much so we pray that you will soon. Pray that the proposed ‘second spike’ doesn’t materialise.
I have been associated with our Church, Northall Baptist in Chapel Lane since I was very small, going to Sunday School and then helping with classes when I was older. It has been a joyous journey with the various leaders/pastors and members of the church during that time and I felt I lost some purpose in life when to due to health reasons my independent life stopped. For a number of years I only ventured out when feeling able.
I visited Church on special Sundays, Easter, Harvest and Christmas, so to be able to join in once again most Sundays and feel part of the Church again with our ZOOM services has been a blessing for me.
We often have a chat before our service and hear news from other members and we also have outreached to others in another local church and friends in different parts of the country.
So for me Zoom has definitely helped with the self-isolation being part of our group on a Sunday.
At the beginning of lockdown our concerns were all about the cancer operation my husband needed, which was cancelled at short notice with no prospect of another date. If there was ever a case of the Lord providing, it was then. After about 3 weeks, he was offered a referral to Portsmouth hospital. The operation went ahead in May and has good outcomes.
Following this our grandson was born safely via a Caesarean section.
The next momentous occasion was my 70th birthday. We would normally have had a very special family occasion and I woke up on my birthday morning thinking that it would be a damp squib. However about 11 am our daughter turned up with a big box of BBQ food and set about preparing a feast. A little later our other daughter turned up with our 4 day old grandson. The Government advice had just changed to allow families to meet in the garden. I had a wonderful day as the weather was amazing.
All of these life events are not best in a pandemic! Throughout though we have been blessed known the love and support of our Heavenly Father to whom we can take all our troubles.