Christian Missions
We regularly support Christian Missions at home and abroad in prayer and financially. These are some of them:
Mission Aviation Fellowship (www.maf- MAF is a Christian charity that uses light aircraft to support some 1500 relief & mission groups bringing humanitarian aid, community development, hope and healing to transform the lives of the world’s most isolated people in need, showing them the love of the Lord Jesus. |
Tearfund ( Founded in 1968, is a UK Christian relief and development agency, working in partnership with other Christian agencies and churches in over 50 countries to tackle the causes and effects of poverty. Tearfund is a member of the Disaster Emergency Committee. |
Bible Society( The Society was set up in 1804. Its patron is HM The Queen and current president is the Bishop of London. They help to make scriptures available where there are none and work to help the the church to engage with the Bible more effectively. They endeavour - through the arts, education, media and politics - to make the Bible more available, accessible and credible in our culture. |
Open Doors( Open doors is an international ministry serving persecuted Christians and churches worldwide. They supply Bibles, leadership training, literacy programmes, livelihood support and advocacy services. They also seek to mobilise the church in the UK and Ireland not only to serve Christians living under religious persecution, but also to learn from what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. |
Scripture Union ( Scripture Union is an international interdenominational, evangelical Christian movement founded in 1867. It works in partnership with individuals and churches across the world and it’s aim is to use the Bible to inspire children, young people and adults to know God. We use Scripture Union materials in our Sunday school outreach. |
Operation Agri - Baptist Mens Movement ( This is a charity which supports Christian led rural and urban development projects on three continents , showing the love of Jesus in action by attacking the basic causes of poverty amongst some of the least fortunate people in the world regardless of their religions, ethnic or cultural backgrounds |
Prison Fellowship ( Prison Fellowship aims to support prisoners by coming alongside and supporting them through practical programmes and prayer. This includes Angel Tree programme supporting prisoner’s children at Christmas and Sycamore Tree which is a victim awareness program |
Baptist Missionary Society - BMS World Mission is a Christian Mission organisation working in around 35 countries on four continents. The Society’s personnel is mainly involved in church planting, development, disaster relief, education, health, media and advocacy. |